Welcome to,
To Preschool And Beyond!
I am Ms. Debbie and this is my preschool blog.
I have been asked numerous times, "how can you stand little kids constantly"?

Now I know everyone is different and has different things that they love in life and specific talents that they are good at.
My answers to everyone are always the same. Perhaps this job is perfect for me because I am a kid at heart.....

I love to see little faces each day. I love to give hugs and kisses. I love to be the one that they will eat their vegetables for. I love to sit and help each one. I love to change diapers, fill cups, wipe tushies, brush teeth, tie shoe laces, wipe runny noses, and best of all HAVE FUN with.

We hope that you enjoy our adventures and can have fun along with us!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Does life have a pause button?
Our house has been an open door 24/7 the last few months, or so it seems. I can't believe it's already in to march. So our catch up for January and February are finally here. I have had a few days this week with it being spring break that gave me the chance to upload all my pictures and finally sit down and post them for you to see. I apologize for the late post.
These kids have been working their behinds off. They are so smart, and love to learn anything. We challenged ourselves in the new year that we were going to be able to write our own names and start the writing and recognition of numbers. Well check one... They almost all can write their names all by themselves! Rock stars they are!!
We are going to be jumping with both feet into starting to read these next couple months. Bring on the sight words. The kids are so excited to think they are learning things that they will be doing in "BIG KID" school. They love to hear that.
With it already being in to March I have found that little or big holidays I LOVE! getting excited over last months, Presidents day, and Dr. Suess day it reassures me that this is the perfect job for  me.  I am excited to see what fun the Leprechaun Shawn brings to each of our friends. Stay tuned!
January-February Photo Catch Up :)